
Politique de confidentialité de l'application Riminder Mobil

 Politique de confidentialité de l'application Riminder Mobil Cette politique de confidentialité ("Politique") régit les pratiques de confidentialité et l'utilisation des données des services fournis aux utilisateurs par l'application mobile appelée Riminder. Veuillez lire attentivement cette politique et confirmer que vous respectez ces conditions avant d'utiliser l'application. Collecte et utilisation des données de note 1.1. Collecte de données de note : Riminder peut collecter les notes saisies par les utilisateurs lors de l'utilisation de l'application. Ces données de note sont collectées pour remplir la fonctionnalité de base de l'application, permettant aux utilisateurs de gérer et d'organiser leurs notes. 1.2. Partage des données de note : les utilisateurs peuvent choisir de partager leurs notes avec d'autres utilisateurs, s'ils en accordent la permission. Dans de tels cas, les notes peuvent être consultées par d'autres

Auslieferung personalisierter Werbung.

 Datenschutzrichtlinie für die Riminder Mobil-Anwendung Diese Datenschutzrichtlinie („Richtlinie“) regelt die Datenschutzpraktiken und die Datennutzung der Dienste, die Benutzern von der mobilen Anwendung namens Riminder bereitgestellt werden. Bitte lesen Sie diese Richtlinie sorgfältig durch und bestätigen Sie, dass Sie diese Bedingungen einhalten, bevor Sie die Anwendung nutzen. Erhebung und Nutzung von Notizdaten 1.1. Erfassung von Notizdaten: Riminder kann die von Benutzern während der Nutzung der Anwendung eingegebenen Notizen erfassen. Diese Notizdaten werden gesammelt, um die Kernfunktionalität der Anwendung zu erfüllen und es Benutzern zu ermöglichen, ihre Notizen zu verwalten und zu organisieren. 1.2. Teilen von Notizdaten: Benutzer können ihre Notizen mit anderen Benutzern teilen, wenn sie die Erlaubnis erteilen. In solchen Fällen können die Notizen auf Wunsch des Notizeigentümers von anderen Benutzern eingesehen werden. Anzeige 2.1. Google AdMob: Riminder nutzt den Google Ad

Политика конфиденциальности мобильного приложения Riminder

 Политика конфиденциальности мобильного приложения Riminder Настоящая Политика конфиденциальности («Политика») регулирует методы обеспечения конфиденциальности и использования данных услуг, предоставляемых пользователям мобильным приложением под названием Riminder. Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте эту Политику и подтвердите, что вы соблюдаете эти условия, прежде чем использовать приложение. Сбор и использование данных заметок 1.1. Сбор данных заметок: Riminder может собирать заметки, введенные пользователями во время использования приложения. Эти данные заметок собираются для выполнения основных функций приложения, позволяя пользователям управлять своими заметками и упорядочивать их. 1.2. Совместное использование данных заметок: пользователи могут делиться своими заметками с другими пользователями, если они дают на это разрешение. В таких случаях заметки могут быть просмотрены другими пользователями по запросу владельца заметки. Объявления 2.1. Google AdMob: Riminder использует рекла

Riminder Mobil Uygulama Gizlilik Politikası

 Riminder Mobil Uygulama Gizlilik Politikası Bu Gizlilik Politikası ("Politika"), Riminder adlı mobil uygulama tarafından kullanıcılara sağlanan hizmetlerin gizlilik uygulamalarını ve veri kullanımını yönetir. Lütfen bu Politikayı dikkatlice okuyun ve uygulamayı kullanmadan önce bu şartlara uyduğunuzu onaylayın. Not Verilerinin Toplanması ve Kullanımı 1.1. Not Verilerinin Toplanması: Riminder, uygulamanın kullanımı sırasında kullanıcılar tarafından girilen notları toplayabilir. Bu not verileri, uygulamanın temel işlevlerini yerine getirmek için toplanır ve kullanıcıların notlarını yönetmesine ve düzenlemesine olanak tanır. 1.2. Not Verilerinin Paylaşılması: Kullanıcılar izin verirlerse notlarını diğer kullanıcılarla paylaşmayı seçebilirler. Bu gibi durumlarda, not sahibinin isteği doğrultusunda notlar diğer kullanıcılar tarafından görüntülenebilir. Reklamlar 2.1. Google AdMob: Riminder, uygulama içinde reklam görüntülemek için Google AdMob reklam hizmetini kullanır. Bu hizmet

Vortexy Privacy Policy

  Vortexy Privacy Policy This privacy policy ("Policy") applies to the mobile application called "Vortexy" ("App") and aims to protect the privacy rights and personal data of individuals ("Users" or "you") who use the App. Please read this Policy carefully. Data Collection and Usage The App does not collect or store personal data provided by Users. It does not use cookies or similar technologies to track Users' activities or collect personal information. AdMob Ads The App may use third-party advertising networks such as Google AdMob for displaying advertisements. These advertising networks may track Users' activities and interests within the App to improve user experience, provide relevant ads, and analyze ad performance. The data collection and usage related to the use of these advertising services are subject to the privacy policies of the respective third parties. Security of Personal Data The App takes appropriate technical

Brain Work Privacy Policy

Brain Work Privacy Policy This privacy policy ("Policy") applies to the mobile application called "Brain Work" ("App") and aims to protect the privacy rights and personal data of individuals ("Users" or "you") who use the App. Please read this Policy carefully. Data Collection and Usage The App does not collect or store personal data provided by Users. It does not use cookies or similar technologies to track Users' activities or collect personal information. AdMob Ads The App may use third-party advertising networks such as Google AdMob for displaying advertisements. These advertising networks may track Users' activities and interests within the App to improve user experience, provide relevant ads, and analyze ad performance. The data collection and usage related to the use of these advertising services are subject to the privacy policies of the respective third parties. Security of Personal Data The App takes appropriate techni

Riminder Application Privacy Policy

Riminder Mobil Application Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy ("Policy") governs the privacy practices and data usage of the services provided to users by the mobile application called Riminder. Please read this Policy carefully and confirm that you comply with these terms before using the application. Collection and Use of Note Data 1.1. Collection of Note Data: Riminder may collect the notes entered by users during the use of the application. This note data is collected to fulfill the core functionality of the application, allowing users to manage and organize their notes. 1.2. Sharing of Note Data: Users may choose to share their notes with other users, if they grant permission. In such cases, the notes may be viewed by other users as per the request of the note owner. Advertisements 2.1. Google AdMob: Riminder uses Google AdMob advertising service for displaying ads within the application. This service may involve the collection and usage of information related to users.